Gumnut Bulletin 2, 2023
Education Manager
Dear Leaning Tree friends
Wow! Week eight already! It has been pleasing to see so many families at school for the parent-teacher meetings. Having a common understanding and sharing the learning process is very important and I urge you to contact the teachers if you have not already made time for an interview.
We welcome Sophie Ulrich to the staff for the remainder of the term. Sophie will be teaching the Jilinbiri Class as Tara takes some personal leave. I know that Tara has put a huge effort into her handover with Sophie. If you have not yet met Sophie, please take the time to say hello. We also say farewell to Gary who leaves us at the end of term. We have embarked on the process of finding a replacement for the Voyager Class teacher.
Week 9 sees our Prospect Class on their school camp at Monkey Mia. Let’s hope they have a continuance of the beautiful weather we have had this past week. We wish them a challenging, exciting, and enlightening time. My thanks to the staff: Anita, Penny and Claire, who are giving their time to ensure the children have a fabulous time.
It was delightful to see the Kindy and PP students at their first Wave Music session last Tuesday at the Drummond’s foreshore. It is fabulous that we get to make the most of the wonderful outdoor setting that we are blessed with.
Over the next few weeks, we have the Movie Evening on Friday 24th of March, Michaelmas Festival on Tuesday 28th of March and Maundy Thursday class activity on the 6th of April. School finishes for the students on Thursday 6th. A reminder that, due to the Anzac Day holiday, school will resume on Wednesday 26th April.
This year, Steiner Education Australia (SEA) in consultation and collaboration with Steiner schools, are investing time into exploring how we can grow positive awareness of Steiner education in Australia. As part of this process, we are seeking ideas and insight from parents, students, and staff across our school community.
We’d be most grateful if you could spare some time to contribute your thoughts in the following Insights Survey:
I wish you all a relaxed and refreshing holiday period.
Community Manager
Dear families,
We are looking forward to hosting the community onsite for the movie night this Friday. The weather is forecasted to be cool with a slight breeze, so bring a rug and your warm woolies.
The Parent Representative group will be getting together on Friday 31st March after the Gathering to begin sewing the Family Fun Day participation badges. If you would like to join us for an hour or so, please do - we will be in the administration meeting room. We are still needing a Parent Representative for the Rivergum Room - if this is something that you would like to participate in, please let me know and I'll email you more details. This is a joyful way to meet families, contribute and fulfill your Family Commitment hours.
The P&F action team has already met twice this term and is also looking for a Gumleaf Shopkeeper volunteer. Duties would include purchasing new stock, pricing, displaying in the shop and storing stock in the shed (toilet paper/tissues). A full handover from the past shopkeeper will make it an easy peasy task and again, counts toward Family Commitment Hours. If this appeals to you, please drop me a line.
The Spring Fair action team has commenced with early preparations for this much-loved event. If you would like to put up a poster or ask a local business for a donation to go toward the raffles, please see the administration team for a copy of either/both. You may also download the letter from the link under the poster below. Keep an eye out for the Spring Fair volunteer survey which will be sent out soon. This will give the team valuable planning information, so please take the time to consider and jump in to help if you can.
Enjoy the upcoming Easter break,
Kind regards,
Governing Body
The Governing Body AGM will be held on 4th April 5.30pm at Leaning Tree.
A formal invitation will be sent out to all families in the coming week.
Please view the Governing Body newsletter, sent out earlier this week, which has updates from the Chair, Wendy Watters.
Starflower Kindergarten & Pre-primary
Here is the boat the golden boat
That sails on the silvery sea.
And these are the oars of ivory white
That lift and dip, that lift and dip.
These are the ten little fairy men,
Running along, running along
To take up the oars of ivory white,
To sail on the silvery sea.
Dear Starflower families,
Autumn mornings are beginning to have a slightly cooler feel to them, with some heavy dews on our Kindy grass, but the days are still warm and lovely. Perfect weather for the start of Wave Music last week. Beach Kindy is a firm favourite with our littlest Leaning Tree Students and here is a taste of why we love it and what we are learning during our Tuesday mornings at Drummond Cove.
Our morning begins with setting up our outdoor classroom while the children don their orange vests, hats and sunscreen. We are learning about staying safe in the sun on our excursion. We gather for our morning circle under the Grandmother trees, as we hear the recorder play. We are learning to listen and participate in a group as we sing and play musical games. Then we participate in a craft activity, last week we made fishing rods with sticks, wool, feathers and leaf fish; this week we prepared our craft bags for tie-dyeing. We are building strength and dexterity in our fingers and hands as we twist, wind, wrap and tie. Next, we pack up our activity and hop on the rope ‘train’ to head over to wash our hands before morning tea. We are learning to clean up; wait for our turn; and to stay safely with our class and teachers. After a nourishing morning tea, we are ready once again to hop on the ‘train’ to head down to the beach. We are learning to follow safe paths and climb bravely over rocky outcrops. Once we arrive, our trusty parent helpers will section off a safe sandy space for us to explore. We are learning to stay together within a safe boundary. Then the fun begins, as we use hands, feet and buckets, to dig, flatten, push, bury, pour, mould, measure and decorate whatever our beautiful brains can think of as we create amazing sand structures with our friends. We are learning with our senses about the qualities of dry and wet sand; we are learning about persistence; and we are learning about cooperation.
And the best part of all of this is that we are having great fun while we are learning!
Autumn Blessings for these glorious days,
Kathy and Lucinda
Sunflower Room Year 1
The Sunflower children are now used to our daily rhythm and our morning circle is peaceful and reverent. There is a warm and joyful vibe filling our space.
After completing our ‘Form Drawing’ main lesson, the children were very excited to begin learning the letters of the alphabet along with Fairytales, games and songs to go with each one. The children have enjoyed creating characters from the stories out of bees' wax and making letter shapes out of bread every Friday.
As part of our Protective Behaviours Unit, we have been learning how to recognize and name our feelings and notice the feelings of others. We are working on being assertive, yet kind and speaking with a gentle voice. This term we created artwork about people we trust and have drawn pictures about how our body feels when we are safe. We will continue to learn the difference between safe and unsafe situations, early warning signs, emergencies and risk-taking.
Handcraft, Music, Language, Sport, wet-on-wet watercolour painting, bread making and games have been taking up our days which has been a lot of fun.
Every Wednesday, the Lighthouse leaders come for a visit to our room for an afternoon session of ‘Buddy Reading’. They are paired up with the Year 1’s and they read many books together. The Sunflowers are really enjoying this special time, and it is great practice for the leaders to work on their confidence and skills when reading aloud.
It has been a great start to the year and Peta and I are looking forward to seeing what the children bring next term when we delve into the world of numbers.
Warm regards
Jayne and Peta
Jilinbiri Room Years 2 & 3
In the Jilinbiri room this month, the children have been busy learning all about grammar in our ‘Grammar Island’ main lesson. We have also been spending the afternoons learning the lines and songs from our grammar play that we will perform next term. It is a musical so be prepared – there will be lots of singing!
The children have been reciting their times tables every day in the morning circle and in our maths lessons. They have been earning stickers for our class tables chart which is filling up quickly.
In Craft, the children have been working on their own projects and in P.E they have been learning new team games with Anita.
We are all looking forward to our whole school Michaelmas festival in Week 9 where we will see the children flying their own kites, eating fresh dragon bread and listening to our friends in the Lighthouse Room perform their play.
Tara & Claire
Rivergum Room Years 4 & 5
Body of Ra, Osiris,
Perfect in every part.
Soul of Egypt, thy kindness
Overwhelms all hearts.
Spirit of Truth, thou golden one,
Thy light dispels all dark.
As Ra enlightens heavenly skies,
Dawning each day in radiant guise,
Now, Osiris, noble and wise,
Reveal thyself to earthly eyes!
The Rivergum (Class 4/5) are now rehearsing daily the Class Play – The Light of Isis and Osiris. The play consists of 6 scenes and ends with the passing over of the Kind King Osiris. We have been boisterously, brazenly and boldly working through each scene in the afternoon and have recently started to add in scene rotations during part of the morning Main Lesson time. Morning Circle and Afternoon Circle are also times when the class recites the verses from the play, the above verse is from the closing scene in the play. It is beautiful to hear synchronized verses being chanted across the day in perfect harmony.
On Monday we celebrated Harmony Day at school by sharing an outdoor bring and share lunch. Thank you to the children and families who provided food and tasty treats, it was healthy and delicious. The children devoured the sticky rice and fortune cookies. We also discussed what harmony meant to us individually and how we can work together to create a more harmonious classroom. One way to make sure children feel heard and respected is to involve them in a regular Class Meeting. The Rivergums meet after recess each Wednesday to share openly any concerns or issues that are upsetting them. This becomes increasingly important as the children become more accountable of their words and actions. Clear communication that is kind and respectful is key.
The children have been exploring a wide range of topics in the Ancient Egypt Main Lesson. Most recently we have been adding to our knowledge of how Egyptians farmed, made a shaduf, crafted boats, constructed pyramids, dressed in white linen, wore makeup and jewelry (both women and men) and created treasures and precious artifacts we can still see today in museums around the world.
We have the next two weeks to paint masks, create costumes, sew curtains, practice with props and block out every action on stage once we all know our lines. Hopefully, no one breaks a leg or needs to be replaced by their understudy.
Lighthouse Room Year 6
Autumn greetings!
The hot weather is hopefully behind us. The Year 6 Lighthouse Class has wrapped up our Geography Main Lesson, continuing with “Our Earth” theme by moving onto Geology. We have decided that we do not want to journey to the center of the earth, as it would be a bit hot!
We are taking on an unexpected challenge, to prepare for a performance for our school’s Michalemas festival. We have got this! Saint George and the Dragon will be presented on Tuesday 28th March. Will George defeat the dragon and save Princess Gertrude???
We have had a few visits to the Sunflower, Year 1 class. They were also our buddies last year. We have read to them, solved puzzles and created flags in honour of Harmony Day.
Voyager Room Year 7
This term we have completed 2 main lessons. The first was one was all about Arthurian Literature, where the students learned about King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table and their quest for the Holy Grail, their Code of Chivalry, the myths of the sword in the stone and the Lady of the Lake, Camelot and also Merlin the Magician. We looked at what evidence there was to try and decide whether or not King Arthur was based on fact or was just based on a myth.
Our next main lesson was about Geometry and included learning about the world's early geometers who used little more than string, straight-edge and shadow to form an understanding of how geometry was seen everywhere throughout the world. Men such as Thales, Plato, Pythagoras, Eudoxus, Archimedes and Euclid. We also learnt how to construct various geometric shapes inside the circle, including the square, pentagon, hexagon and octagon.
We have just started our final main lesson for the term that covers The Age of Exploration.
Prospect Room Years 8 & 9
While we are preparing to go on camp in week 9, the year 9's have been undergoing their last-ever NAPLAN!
Congratulations to those students who have participated this year - you have done wonderfully just being in it! I hope you look back and realise how far you have come.
We have been reading our class novel 'Holes' by Louis Sachar. It is a story about a troubled teen, whose family has an interesting story about their immigration. The whole novel is set at a detention centre on a dried-up lake and the detainees, the children, are made to dig holes every day. But what are the holes really for? What are they looking for, and why? The novel craftily weaves three storylines into one, keeping the reader intrigued about what is really going on. At the end of the term, we will watch the movie and look at how the written word and the visual world communicate the same things using different and similar techniques.
For our Main Lesson, the students are; answering close reading questions, creating a character profile on the character that interests them the most, drawing a map of Camp Green Lake, and then writing a paragraph about foreshadowing and how it has been used in the story. There has been some heavy thinking going on while the students read and then reread the novel to find their answers.
In Science with Paul, the students have learned about communication back in the dark ages of the Industrial Revolution and the Telegraph pole being the precursor to the telephone and computer language. The class were introduced to morse code and now I have begun teaching them to sign the Auslan Fingerspelling Chart. Try testing their knowledge by asking them simple to answer questions and have them sign back using fingerspelling and other sign we have been working on.
The camp countdown has officially begun.
See you Monday morning!
Greetings LTSS community,
This term I have had some big, crocheted slippers to fill! Lisa Scamporlino is enjoying her long-service leave and will return in Term 2.
I have been taking her primary grade Handcraft classes, and my house has been filled with balls of wool, knitting needles, crotchet hooks and thread as I brush up on my long-neglected crafting skills.
Needless to say, it has been a challenge but also a lot of fun and has allowed me to drop into mindfulness, focus and creativity. I strongly recommend starting a new craft or coming along to the Friday crafternoons here at LTSS to renew & replenish your spirit as well as getting some retired synapses reactivated.
As you would know Lisa Scamporlino and Helen Yates have been working with the students these past years and their skills are well-established and inspiring. It has been a pleasure to assist the students with their current projects or begin their next challenge.
Sunflowers have been sewing into hessian for their pencil tins.
Jilinbirris are either beginning knitting or commencing their purl gnomes.
Rivergums are weaving or knitting fair-isle fingerless gloves.
Lighthouse students are completing their cross-stitch and commencing their crocheted slippers.
Many thanks to Helen and the students for their patience with a Handcraft teacher still developing her skills.
Music & Design and Technology
In woodwork, this term, the students are making various projects. The lighthouse class is making checkerboards, the Voyagers are making wall hanging plaques and the Prospects are making the trusted, time-proven, always useful, wooden toolbox.
All classes are imposing images on their work using a product called Modge Podge. The pictures show the Voyagers hard at work.
Music has been going well, with an emphasis, for all classes, on singing in time and on beat. We have a lot of very good singers in the school and I am looking forward to creating some vocal performances throughout the year.
Community Notice Board
In 3 Minds Psychology Services
The Zones of Regulation Workshop is running again in Term 2 on Wednesdays at 3.30pm!
The Zones help with social, emotional, and sensory regulation for children. They achieve this by learning to identify their emotions, categorising them, and then learning tools and strategies and how to apply them. This enables children to meet goals like doing schoolwork or other tasks, managing big feelings, and maintaining healthy relationships.
Eligible NDIS plans may be able to use funding. Discounts available for those paying privately!
For more information, including evidence-based research, visit our website, call us on 0457 324 745, or email
Recent news and training opportunities from the WA Centre for Rural Health (WACRH) of The University of Western Australia (UWA):
Training opportunities –
- Vicarious Trauma: The cost of caring. Dates: 28 Feb, 19 April and 4 July 2023. This is a 1.5 hour workshop. Typically attendees are frontline human services workers. There is no cost to attend. Places are limited and bookings essential on 9956 0200. Details here.
- Youth Mental Health First Aid. Dates: 22 & 23 May 2023 (2-day workshop). This course teaches adults how to assist adolescents who are developing mental health problems. Typically attendees are parents, guardians, school staff, sport coaches and youth workers. Cost: $150. Details here.
- Mindfulness for Stress Management. Date: 12 June 2023. This is a 5-hour workshop. Cost: $80. Details here.
- Teaching on the Run. Dates: January – July 2023. This education program includes several foundation workshops designed to enable participants to apply sound teaching and learning principles in their workplace environment. Priority will be given to those health professionals who are hosting/supervising WACRH students in 2023. There is no cost to participate. Details here.
- Online Course - Speaking out against disrespect. WACRH has developed an online training package to build individuals’ skills and confidence to speak up about sexist and disrespectful behaviour in their workplace and community. Access the training here
- Online course - Cultural orientation plan. This online course is for students and health professionals working with Aboriginal people. Access the training here
Awards and Achievements –
- Dr Charmaine Green awarded PhD and research medal. Read more here.
Research Published –
- Yarning about pain: Evaluating communication training for health professionals at persistent pain services in Queensland, Australia. Read the paper here.
- What are the core recommendations for osteoarthritis care? A systematic review of clinical practice guidelines. Read the paper here.
The WA Centre for Rural Health (WACRH) at The University of Western Australia is one of 17 Commonwealth-funded University Departments of Rural Health (UDRH) in Australia, located in the Midwest, Gascoyne and Pilbara regions of Western Australia. WACRH aims to improve rural, remote and Aboriginal health through education, student placement support, research and community service activities, as well as to facilitate quality allied health, nursing and pharmacy clinical placements for students from all Australian universities. We work to improve the recruitment and retention of allied health, pharmacy and nursing (health) professionals in rural and remote Australia. For more WACRH news – follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Linktree, Newsletters and read our media releases.