Gumnut Bulletin 8, 2024
Education Manager
Dear Leaning Tree community,
It is with great gratitude that this newsletter comes to you. As I reflect on the success of our End of Year Gathering held this week, many things of gratitude that did not get a mention last night rise to the surface. Yes, I paid homage to the children, the parents, the wonderful staff, and the challenges that come to us and enable us to grow as a community. It is the little things in our daily lives that do not always get seen that I am grateful for…. the voices of happy children, the sound of recorders playing, the gifts of flowers that are brought to the office, the cakes and treats made for us by parents, the interactions with our middle schoolers who are capable of holding strong conversations, the ability to embrace conflict and come to a resolution, the restorative approaches that our teachers are gaining confidence in, the birds tweeting in our gardens, the maintenance and gardening staff, the cleaners, the abundant harvests from our gardens, the flexibility of the staff, the leadership from staff that is needed in times of difficulty, the chocolates of appreciation from parents, singing, the play with poetry, the artistic endeavours, the little cards from the students, the hugs, the appreciation shown from parents, the parents help in serving ice creams, going on camps, coming on excursions, sewing capes and curtains, building planter boxes, parents helping us weed the garden and it can go on…… and it does…….
I am also very proud of our commitment to sustainability. We have just received a grant from Wastesorted Schools for a cute little cedar shed that will store our recyclables and Terracyle items while they wait for transportation. Our school is also a case study for sustainable practices with the Little Green Steps Foundation. We held a presentation at school for outside parties to attend and Kathy and Danielle were presenters at the Waste Sorted webinars for schools across the state.
The Class 6 Lighthouse students were farewelled on their voyage yesterday on the longboat. This beautifully handcrafted vessel is the perfect place for the students to sail off as Lighthouse students and on their return they disembark as Voyagers. Their excitement was infectious, and Mother Earth provided a beautiful day for the celebrations.
In the Starflower room, we had the Starflower Ceremony where the preppy children met their teacher for next year Ally Bowdler. This ceremony brings closure to the kindergarten years and a formal blessing, with ritual and verse from Kathy. There were certainly a few tears in the audience, surely not all of them were from me!
We end with our Aqua/beach fun day, a morning to celebrate what our context is famous for… beautiful beaches and balmy weather, finished off with ice cream of course!
As our students navigate new waters for the coming year, so does our school. I thank you for your patience and trust throughout the recent stormy times, be assured we have a strong leadership team at the helm. Next year there are some changes to our leadership as we see our senior teachers take on co-ordinator roles within the curriculum realm. So I introduce Kathy Taylor as our Early Childhood Co-ordinator, Tara Gregory as our Primary Co-ordinator and Lisa Keefe as our Middle School Co-ordinator.
With the departure of Ally Bowdler as she sails into classroom teaching we would like to extend our deep gratitude to Ally for her commitment, support and quiet wisdom that she has gifted to us over the many years she has been invested in our school. This has been in the form of parent, volunteer, playgroup leader, education assistant handcraft teacher and Community Manager. She now has to put on her gardening hat to tend the Sunflower Class 1/2.
It is with excitement that we announce that Lara Sampson will be rejoining the Executive Management Team and filling the Community Manager role. Lara has also had extensive experience at Leaning Tree as a language teacher, playgroup leader, class teacher and Education Manager, helping bring our school to what it is today. Since Lara left the EM role she has been involved in many community and sustainable initiatives for the Geraldton community. Lara will bring along with her innovative ideas a deep understanding of Leaning Tree values and Steiner principles.
I wish your family health and wellbeing over the coming holiday period. Time with your loved ones, making memories that will live on long after the events.
May the long-time sun shine upon you,
May love surround you,
And the pure light within you,
Guide your way home.
With gratitude and service,
Lisa Scamporlino
Acting Education Manager
Little Green Steps Western Australia - Sustainability News
Community Manager
Greetings all,
I am currently being inducted into the role of Community Manager, learning the intricacies of the role Ally held for 7 years. She has created a well-oiled machine with all the processes required for enrolment, communication pathways, and government compliance to keep the Leaning Tree ship sailing! I buoyantly accept this position, knowing I get to connect with my past students and assist in building the school culture that supports Steiner Education. To be part of an organisation that has the care of the whole child at its heart with the potential for earth healing and loving social change baked into the philosophy and practice is a great honour and privilege.
I look forward to connecting with you again, or if we have not already met, and meeting 2025 together with enthusiasm, creativity and purpose.
Warm regards
Lara Sampson
Starflower Kindergarten/Pre-primary
“Little donkey, little donkey on the dusty road,
Got to keep on plodding onwards, with your precious load”
Dear Starflower families,
Can you believe we are already in Week 8 of Term 4 in Starflower Kindergarten? We are already starting to practise our Nativity Play for the Final Gathering, finishing our Advent Calendars, and working hard on Christmas projects for our families, yet still managing to squeeze in some solid self-directed free play time, which is after all the work of the young child. I am privileged to witness the growth and development of your children, throughout our year together. It truly astounds me year after year as the children shapeshift from dreamy little ones at the start of the year into dynamos of action and speed. The preppies are flexing their muscles and growing their brains and hearts in so many ways, physically, emotionally, and cognitively, as many of them embrace and embody the feisty energy of the six-year-old.
Meanwhile, the Gumnuts and Blossoms are getting ready to step into the role of being a preppy! Stepping Stones Day on Wednesday 27th November will be a great experience for the kinders to come together as one group, and also to meet next year’s new kinders. It should be a lot of fun.
One of the highlights of this term must be the beautiful weather we have experienced during our Wave Music Beach Kindy mornings. Sand, water and sun and even an occasional shower of rain are a magical combination for small children. One of the Starflower children’s favourite places to explore is the old grandmother Teatree just to the south of John Batten Hall.
Goodbye to her until next year. A big thank you to the parents and grandparents who came along as parent helpers. We couldn’t do Beach Kindy without you and we are grateful.
Our Sunflower Graduation Ceremony is coming up on Tuesday 9th December at 2pm, and it will offer a chance to reflect on each of our Starflower preppy students and their journey so far at Leaning Tree. We look forward to having the preppy parents there to witness this reverent and heart-warming ceremony.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank every single parent for their efforts, support, and assistance throughout the year. Most importantly, we are grateful to you for sharing the magic of your child with us. The kinders and Nina and I will be sad to say goodbye to the preppies as they head off to Sunflower Room, but they will be just over the fence where we can wave to them and continue to watch them grow and flourish.
Wishing you all a happy festive season filled with the love of family and friends.
Warm Christmas Blessings to you all,
Kathy and Nina
Sunflower Room Class 1
Dear families,
“In the bush the bees
Hum around the trees
All the world sings and greets with joy of the gentle spring
Birds so sweetly sing, though the garden they ring”
The Sunflowers are saying farewell to spring as they sense the summer sun on their skin. The days are growing warmer and windier as we spend more time indoors preparing seasonal gifts for our families. In morning circle, we practice recorder songs and sing our favourite festive tunes joyfully. We revisit form drawing each morning to balance and centre our souls for the day. Once we are awake and full of wonder we listen to stories embracing odd and even numbers. In the Land of Even “… the flowers grow two to a stem, all of the trees grow in pairs, and the animals run side by side- two at a time". In our bee-friendly garden, we grow giant sunflowers that have at least seven sunflowers on each plant. Number stories are all around us and entwined into our blessed day.
Sunflowers have been receiving Virtue Leaves at whole school Gatherings each Friday. Virtue Leaves are like a merit certificate however they honour and celebrate students for displaying virtuous behaviours. Our school is part of the worldwide ‘Virtues Project’ –
“Virtues are the content of our character. The Virtues Project nurtures our children in the skills and qualities they need to be successful in school and in life.”
Sunflowers have been recognised for displaying the following Virtues this term: Confidence, Service, Joyfulness and Commitment. Each one has received a virtue leaf that hangs proudly on the virtues tree that stands in our front office showcasing our tremendous and taller Sunflowers. With the end of the year fast approaching, I would like to thank all my students and families for the warmth and friendliness that they bring to the class each day. It has been a joy and a true privilege to have the opportunity to teach Class 1 Sunflowers.
Wishing you all wonderful family moments to treasure and a most merry festive time for the upcoming holidays.
Season's Greetings!
Sincerely Susan
Jilinbiri Room Class 2
Dear Families,
We hope this newsletter finds you well! The students in Jilinbiri have been thoroughly enjoying their learning adventures this term.
In our main lessons, we have been exploring the fascinating world of "magic numbers," diving into stories that intertwine with various math concepts. This immersive approach has sparked great interest and engagement in the classroom.
Our science activities have been equally exciting! We have been very busy in our garden, planting watermelon, cucumber, and zucchini. The children are thrilled to watch our plants grow and learn about the processes involved in gardening.
In mathematics, we continue to skip count and deepen our understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division. We have also been exploring the layout of sums, which is helping strengthen our mathematical foundations.
As the festive season approaches, we are excited to learn our Christmas poem and look forward to fun Christmas activities. Our class cooking sessions remain a weekly highlight, offering hands-on experiences that blend creativity with learning.
Additionally, we have been discovering interesting facts about Australian native animals and practising how to draw them. This creative project allows us to connect with our country's unique wildlife in a meaningful way.
Thank you for your continued support. We appreciate your involvement in our classroom community!
Warm regards,
Leisl Forsyth & Ann-Marie Widdison
Seabreeze Room Class 3
Dear Families,
What an exciting and vibrant Term 4 we’ve had in the Seabreeze Room!
In class, we’ve just wrapped up our final Main Lesson for the year, and the children have eagerly begun their individual animal projects. Each morning, they delve into books from our library to uncover fascinating facts to include on their posters. They are also crafting rhyming poems about their chosen animals and creating unique artworks to showcase at the end of the year. It’s been wonderful hearing them share their discoveries, teaching us all something new and sparking lively discussions in the classroom.
Our handcraft lessons have been a source of joy and creativity throughout the year. It’s heartwarming to witness the pride and happiness on the children’s faces as they complete their projects with Chris. Each week, I’m thrilled to meet another charming little gnome, carefully and skilfully crafted. The children’s talent and creativity truly shine in these lessons.
Choir has been another highlight this term. Several students from our class, who are part of the whole-school choir, had the incredible opportunity to visit two care homes, spreading joy through song under the guidance of our gifted musician, Richard. Hearing their stories about the elderly residents dancing and singing along was truly heartwarming. These cherished moments will undoubtedly remain with the children for years to come.
Wishing you all a peaceful and joyful Christmas and summer holiday. We look forward to seeing you again in the New Year!
Warm regards,
Tara & Claire
Rivergum Room Class 4/5
Dear families,
The Rivergum class has had a fabulous few weeks, with one of the standout highlights being our class play. Every student demonstrated incredible talent and courage, performing in front of all the classes in the school and in a packed room of parents and family. From acting to singing, the students worked together to bring the play to life with energy and humour. A heartfelt thank you goes to the parents who helped with costumes—it truly made the performance extra special.
Our spring garden has also been a source of joy and accomplishment. The seedling flowers we planted earlier in the season are now thriving in the warmer weather. Every day, students eagerly check their plants, water them, and marvel at their growth. The garden is becoming a beautiful, vibrant space, reflecting the care and dedication of the class.
In our main lessons, we’ve been delving into the fascinating world of Norse myths and Vikings. The tales of mighty Thor, clever Loki, and wise Odin have captured our imaginations, sparking discussions and inspiring creative writing. The students have enjoyed exploring the Viking Age, discovering the challenges and adventures of these remarkable characters. The students have been practising their fine motor skills and creativity by making Viking braids with seven strands of yarn. This intricate weaving activity not only ties in beautifully with our Norse myths and Viking main lesson but also fosters patience and concentration. The colourful, braided cords they’ve created are a testament to their hard work and perseverance!
As we approach the end of the year, we’re turning our focus to an exciting math topic: fractions, decimals, and using the four processes. This area of study offers students a chance to deepen their understanding. It’s a challenging but rewarding way to wrap up a fantastic year of learning.
We are so proud of the Rivergum class for their efforts, achievements, and the sense of community they have built throughout the year. Here’s to finishing strong and celebrating a year of growth and success! Wishing everyone a joyful, restful, and safe holiday break! May this time be filled with happiness, relaxation, and special moments with loved ones.
Kelly and Sophie
Lighthouse Room Class 5/6
Dear families,
A big element this term has been our Businesses. We have had bake sales, custom pens, wicked hairstyles, art and art lessons, lemonade and homemade stickers. The most profitable business was a fundraiser, raising money to protect the Ningaloo Reef. This student made $780! A very impressive effort.
During our Ancient Rome Main Lesson, we learnt about the foundation myth, the Roman Republic and finally the Empire and how it spread throughout North Africa, Europe and the Middle East.
Most of the class participates in the choir, who meet once a week with Richard. We are so lucky to have such a great musician in Richard, who keeps us in time and tune playing along on the keyboard. A massive highlight this term was visiting two care homes and singing to elderly people. It was beautiful to see the joy students brought to their audience.
Our class has hosted a prac student, Emily for the last three weeks. Emily also came for two weeks last term. Emily has taught lessons on chance, data, procedural writing and Earthquakes! We have made models of the earth and its layers and learnt about tectonic plate movement and its effects.
Shine on guiding light,
I see your beacon shining bright.
I don’t have a boat and I’m not at see,
But I feel your light is guiding me.
You are strong, calm and bright,
All can see your guiding light.
Whether from afar, or standing near,
Your light shines bright, dissolving all fear.
Shine on, guiding light, show me the way,
Help me shine throughout this day!
From Lisa Keeffe and the Lighthouse Room.
Prospect Room Class 8/9
Dear families,
This term I have been immensely proud of the progress in writing. We have read a novel (The Maze Runner) and we are in the process of writing an essay. Below are some of the examples of the students writing.
‘The teen novel, The Maze Runner by James Dasher is a dystopian novel where about 40 teenagers of various ages live and are trapped in a Glade surrounded by a maze’. - Catherine
‘A line of icy cold shot across Thomas’s skin as he entered the griever hole, starting from his toes and continuing up his whole body, as if he’d jumped through a flat plane of freezing water’ – Ella.H-S
‘I believe James Dashner really captured the Dystopian themes very well’. - Emily
‘The main themes I think in the novel include sacrifice and sexism’. -Nevaeh
‘Thomas starts off as a greenie like the rest of the Glader’. -Kaylee
‘Thomas arrives in the glade with no memory except his name and the determination to become a runner and solve the maze’. -Amelia
‘At the end of the novel almost all the Gladers showed bravery and courage as they ran into the maze to fight for their freedom’. – Deven.L
‘I think the three main qualities that the characters display are hope, bravery and sacrifice’. -by Indiana. I
‘In the middle of the Glade there is a metallic box, that every week brings supplies to the Glade and once a month this box brings a new person to the Glade with no memories, only their names.’ - Harry
‘As The Gladers wake up each day to face the impossible task of trying to figure out how to escape the maze. Hope becomes a driving force!’ -Koby
Anita and Jasmah
This year, the Year 8/9 Prospects students have had the opportunity to assist in the office on Friday afternoons. They have approached this responsibility with maturity, always completing any tasks given to them. They have gained experience in various office duties, such as answering phone calls, balancing the Gum Leaf shop takings, organizing the Gum Leaf Shop display, preparing Virtue Leaves for the Virtue Tree, and handling other small tasks. Discussions have also been held with the students about key qualities to remember when starting their first jobs, such as professionalism, punctuality, maintaining tidiness, and always greeting others with a smile in a warm and friendly manner.
Awesome leadership Class 9 Prospect students!