Gumnut Bulletin 7, 2023
Education Manager
Community Manager
Rainbow Kindergarten
Enrichment Coordinator
Starflower Room Pre Primary
Sunflower Room Year 1
Jilinbiri Room Years 2 & 3
Rivergum Room Years 4 & 5
Lighthouse Room Year 6
Voyager Room Year 7
Prospect Room Years 8 & 9
Physical Education
Woodwork, Textiles and Music
For Sale
Community Noticeboard
International School of Music Geraldton
Education Manager
Hello Leaning Tree families.
As usual, we have started the term with a host of activities. Our children certainly get the chance to experience many learning opportunities.
We began the term with the Beach Clean Up at Drummonds Cove. We are indeed fortunate to have such a wonderful resource so close at hand. We aim to develop a close relationship with both the Northern Agricultural Catchments Council (NACC) and the Drummond Cove Progress Association to spend more time ‘making the beach ours’. Our Rainbow Kindy and Starflower students are enjoying their Wave Music sessions at Drummond’s each week.
One of the beautiful activities that our classes are involved in is the yearly lunch service. These see each class create a menu, cook and serve a meal to the class group immediately below them. This term both Rivergum and Jilinbiri have held their lunch services and they were fabulous successes. The Rivergum class even grew their own potatoes for the meal.
This week, the senior students were involved in a consultation workshop with the Department of Communities aimed at getting feedback from the students on an action plan for youth in WA. I have been informed that the students were very active and responsive in their involvement and were highly praised for their input by the presenters.
I would like to take the opportunity to openly praise the senior students on how they have embraced being leaders in the school. It has been noticed by many people that their engagement and participation have grown significantly over the past months. Well done indeed.
Our Voyager Class depart on their annual camp on the 2oth of November. They will be staying in Perth, in the Swan Valley and undertaking a variety of activities including the challenge courses at the Swan Valley Adventure Centre. We wish them well. Other important dates that lay ahead of us include the Stepping Stone Orientation Day on November 30th, the End of Year Gathering on December 11th and the Aqua Fun Day on the final day of school, December 14th.
One of the joys of my position is watching children grow in their learning and their confidence. I have the wonderful opportunity to have the students present me with their work. They are proud of their growth and improvement; just are we are proud of and pleased for them. Well done, kids.
I have had several enquiries concerning staffing and class groupings for next year. As soon as we have finalised appointments, positions and class groups, we will communicate that to the school community.
I wish you well for the remainder of the term.
Community Manager
Dear Families,
As we step into Term 4, we imbue the vibrant energy that fills the school, echoing the enthusiasm of the students!
The school was contacted by the event organiser for the annual Blessing of the Fleet with a request to create flower garlands for the community event: Sunday 29th October at the Fisherman's Wharf. Middle School students were earmarked for the task and eagerly embraced the opportunity to infuse natural beauty from blooms grown right here at Leaning Tree into the celebration. We hope that they are enjoyed!
Lisa S and I will be representing the school once again at the Mum's Wellbeing Expo on Tuesday 7th November from 9 am until 12.30 pm. This free community event is a wonderful chance to share the holistic and nurturing approach to education that defines our philosophy, which emphasises the importance of fostering both academic and emotional well-being in a supportive educational environment.
Also coming up, we have Orientation Day (Thursday, November 30th). Current students will spend the morning in the next class up the ladder in preparation for next year. New students to LTSS will also attend for the morning, giving all an opportunity to meet and create friendships. After the morning session, new families will join us for a morning tea and a Q&A session. Thank you to the school P&F for providing morning tea and welcoming new families.
Kind regards,
Commitment Hours are now due. Please see Admin to register your hours.
REMINDER: School fees are due to be paid in full by 30th November 2023.
Thank you dear community!
Our recent Spring Fair was an incredible success, and it's all thanks to your unwavering support and enthusiasm. We are thrilled to announce that together, we raised a grand total of $11,845.68 in profit. Your generosity has surpassed our expectations and will undoubtedly have a positive impact on our school.
This achievement is a testament to the strength of our community and the shared commitment to the well-being and education of our students. The funds raised will contribute significantly to enhancing various aspects of our school, providing valuable resources and opportunities for our students.
We are truly grateful for the countless hours of hard work, dedication, and creativity that each member of our community invested in making the Spring Fair a memorable event. Whether you volunteered, donated, or attended, your contribution played a crucial role in the success of this fundraising initiative.
Thank you once again for your ongoing support. We feel fortunate to be part of such a vibrant and caring community. Together, we continue to create a nurturing environment for our students to learn, grow, and thrive.
With sincere appreciation,
LTSS P&F and Spring Fair Committee
Rainbow Kindergarten
Here in the Rainbow Kindergarten, we have been giving our little benchtop oven a good workout. I think we should name her Jane Fonda! She has been pumping out gingerbread men, bottle brush syrup and mulberry muffins lately on top of our usual daily snacks of either creamy cinnamon rice or sweet porridge, and fresh spelt bread. It’s not just the joy of cooking and the aromas that fill our room, and the delicious nutrition we enjoy. There is a whole lot of sneaky learning involved as we retell stories related to the food, sequence the process, and count and measure ingredients. The science of cause and effect as we apply heat to the food (or forget to add baking powder) is all part of the adventure. We connect to the seasons by enjoying the glut of local homegrown mulberries, or by harvesting nectar from bottlebrush flowers to boil down some syrup. Of course, for the children this is all implicit in the fun of mixing, adding, baking, cooking and eating. Happy tummies equal happy children (and a happy teacher).
Enrichment Coordinator
Hello everyone, today I would like to talk about The Virtues Project™
Leaning Tree Steiner School is a part of the global initiative The Virtues Project™. The Virtues Project™ nurtures our children in the skills and qualities they need to reach their potential in school and in life. Although virtues are the oldest practices in the world, they are essential to the true goal of education – intelligence plus character. The project outlines 52 gifts of character, which guide our social-emotional curriculum as well as our behaviour management approach. Explicit teaching of the virtues assists in creating a positive and harmonious school environment.
Each term members of staff or children select 4 virtues. We focus on these for the term, pointing out to the children when we see these virtues in action. This is just one example of how we instill a moral education into the children, by making it real and authentic.
This term our virtues are:
Gentleness is moving wisely, touching softly, holding carefully, speaking quietly and thinking kindly. When you feel mad or hurt, use your self-control. Instead of harming someone, talk things out peacefully. You are making the world a safer, gentler place.
Affirmation – I am gentle. I think, speak and act with gentleness. I show care for people and for everything I touch.
Modesty is having self-respect. When you value yourself with quiet pride, you accept praise with humility and gratitude. Modesty is being comfortable with yourself and setting healthy boundaries about your body and your privacy.
Affirmation – I am modest. I have no need to brag. I dress in a way that shows respect for myself and others. I protect myself from disrespectful attention.
Reliability means that others can depend on you. You keep your commitments and give your best to every job. You are responsible. You don’t forget, and you don’t need to be reminded. Other people can relax knowing things are in your reliable hands.
Affirmation – I am reliable. I keep my promises. Others can depend on me. Nothing can stop me from giving my best.
Tact is telling the truth kindly, considerate of how your words affect others’ feelings. Think before you speak, knowing what is better left unsaid. When you are tactful, others find it easier to hear what you have to say. Tact builds bridges.
Affirmation – I am tactful. I think before I speak. I am diplomatic even when I feel strongly. I tell the truth kindly and gently.
Bringing virtues into your life can create a meaningful and enriched existence. They are gentle reminders of what it means to be a good human being and provide thoughts to ponder.
Starflower Room Pre Primary
“Earth who brings to us our food,
Sun who makes it ripe and good,
Dearest Earth and dearest Sun,
Joy and Love for all you have done”
Dear Starflower families,
Gratitude is a part of every day in Starflower. We are grateful for the tasty food prepared for our morning tea by Helen and Ann-Marie and the vegetables which we harvest in preparation for cooking and enjoying. When we returned to school this term the garden was flourishing and we lost no time in harvesting the abundant silverbeet, then cutting and blanching it for spinach rolls, as well as harvesting calendula flowers for infusing to make healing cream. Such busy bees are we!
We are always grateful for the care and attention the Kindy children receive from our wonderful gardener Brad and we returned to school this term, to find a huge pile of new logs for our sandpit surround (thank you also to Lisa Scamporlino). While Brad and his helper Guy dug and positioned the logs, the Preppies were keen to assist and they also dug, pushed and levered the old logs out with direction and supervision from Brad, learning along the way the value of working cooperatively with a team when the load is heavy. The new logs have been very well received by the children who were pleased to be a part of the process as well as enjoying the challenging play which has followed.
We are grateful for nature’s gifts and the chance to work with persistence and strength. We have spent many afternoons sanding and sawing our Journey sticks, which were chosen on Term 3’s Riverwalk. These sticks are delighting the children with their smooth surfaces once they have worked on them with sandpaper, and sawn off any small, sharp points and knobs. Watch this space to see what the next steps will be!
We are also truly grateful to have reconnected with Owen and Maelle after his return from overseas and prior to a move to Perth. We wish his family well in their new home. Thank you for spending some time with us.
Sunflower Room Year 1
Dear Parents and Guardians,
First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude for being entrusted with the education of your beautiful children. They have all adjusted seamlessly to having me as their teacher and have settled into our class routines for Term 4.
In terms of our curriculum, we have recently embarked on a project aimed at caring for the land. The students were excited to plant a native garden, taking responsibility for its care and nurturing. This hands-on experience allows them to develop an appreciation for nature and the importance of environmental conservation.
In our science lessons, we have been exploring the wonders of nature up close. Equipped with magnifying glasses, the students have been observing insects and leaves in detail, fostering their curiosity and understanding of the natural world.
Another memorable experience we had was our beach clean-up activity. The children enthusiastically participated, collecting various treasures from the beach. We then utilised these found objects to create a special piece of art, celebrating the beauty of our coastal environment.
Furthermore, we delved into a creative writing exercise by composing love letters to the land. This activity encouraged the students to reflect on their connection to the Earth and express their appreciation for all that it provides.
In mathematics, we have been immersing ourselves in the magical world of gnome land as we learn the four processes. Through storytelling, poetry, counting gems, and even making our own gnome characters, the students are developing a solid foundation in mathematical skills while having fun along the way.
Additionally, in our health lessons, we have been focusing on protective behaviours to ensure the safety and well-being of our bodies. Empowering the children with knowledge about personal safety is crucial, and they have shown great enthusiasm in understanding and applying these principles.
Overall, it has been a very industrious start to the term. The students' dedication and eagerness to learn have been truly inspiring. I am confident that this enthusiasm, combined with their growing skill set, will pave the way for an exciting journey of academic and personal growth.
Thank you for your continued support in nurturing these young minds. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Warm regards,
Leisl and Peta
Jilinbiri Room Years 2 & 3
Jilinbiri News
Term 4 is here! The days are getting warmer, and the children are tiring easily as we approach the end of the year.
This term, the Year 2 children began the term with a ‘Fables’ main lesson. The Year 3 children are diving into ‘Creation Stories’. They have all thoroughly enjoyed hearing stories, drawing pictures and writing their favourite parts of what they have heard.
In our first week back, we participated in a whole school beach clean-up at Drummonds Beach. We scoured the beach for rubbish and were surprised to find that there was not as much rubbish as we expected. It was a hot day, so the children were rewarded with a dip in the sea and refreshing icy-poles. It was a lovely day and a great way for the children to demonstrate the virtue of service to the community.
This week, we turned our classroom into a restaurant and served a delicious lunch to the Year 1 children. The Jilinbiri children cooked Mexican quesadillas and made yummy chocolate bliss balls. I was very proud of how our class came together to work as a team to decorate the tables with candles, flowers and colourful tablecloths. The room looked lovely.
In our daily maths lessons, the children have been learning about place value. They have really enjoyed playing games using the whiteboards, dice and base ten blocks to make large numbers up to the tens of thousands and beyond.
Warm regards
Tara & Claire
Rivergum Room Years 4 & 5
Dear Families,
The Rivergum class have returned to school with purpose, peace, and positivity. It was reassuring to see them with smiles, stronger friendships, and a sense of comradery after the fortnight away. The first four weeks have been filled with an array of uplifting activities. In our first week back, we participated in a whole school beach clean-up and were of service to our local community. We scoured the beach for any plastic, rope, or litter of any kind, and were comforted by the fact there was not very much to collect. It was an extremely hot day, but we were rewarded for our efforts with icy poles and a refreshing dip to the knees in the sea.
Our next act of service was preparing for Lunch Service for the class below, making sure menus were sent home, orders were confirmed, and we had enough dishes for the day. The Rivergum's picked fresh broad beans, tomatoes plus rainbow chard and dug up mounds of potatoes from the patch. As part of our Ancient India Main Lesson, we cooked vegetarian garlic spinach rice, roti and air-fried potatoes. For dessert, we made rose water and lemon-scented ladoo as well as vegan onde-onde. Our plates were full of colour and our friends could add garam-masala or fresh herbs to season. The tables were decorated with candles, vases of flowers, rock salt crystals and a statue of Ganesh to greet our guests. Our guests made us feel humble and greatly appreciated by gifting us thank you cards at the end of the day’s service.
Our next activity on the agenda was writing “Love Letters to the Land” as part of celebrating 25 years of Junior Landcare. “The more you engage with nature, the more you appreciate it; and the more you appreciate it, the more likely you are to want to protect it,” shares Costa. The special letter-writing campaign spoke to the Rivergums who expressed their love of the land by commenting on the importance of being a steward to the seas, picking up others' rubbish and keeping shorebirds safe. Almost all Rivergums mentioned that they feel calm and happy in nature, it brings them peace in the present and hope for the future.
Spring Salutations
Sincerely Susan
“For yesterday is but a dream.
And tomorrow is only a vision;
And today well-lived, makes
Yesterday, a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow, a vision of hope”
Hymn - Look to this Day
Lighthouse Room Year 6
Summer is here, although it is technically Spring. The easterly winds, reptiles galore and warmer weather declare it is so.
Lighthouse students took part in the Backyard Aussie Bird Count, where we recorded all the birds we saw in 20 minutes. We did this twice, though it was quite warm both times so the birds were hiding! That said, there are birds aplenty on our school grounds in the early mornings and late afternoons. Our school gardens continue to grow, with native blooms and habitat provided by many hands planting over many years.
We have spent some time exploring the local “Next Gen” project, where students are asked to come up with innovative solutions to achieving Net Zero. Watch this space.
On a hands-on level, we harvested beetroot from the garden and pickled it. One student took some fresh beetroot home and turned it into chocolate beetroot cake to share with us all! We are preparing our framework for our geometry weaving project and have moved from 6, 12 to 24 divisions of a circle in our geometry constructions.
Now we are stepping back into ancient times. Starting with Alexander the Great and his empire, its decline and why does that even matter? We compared all the largest empires over time and realised that Greece and Rome were pretty small but that they were the biggest empires of their time. They have both left legacies on our Western society to this day.
We soon say goodbye to Claire, who has been our Tuesday teacher and welcome Dani into our class for the rest of the term. We have really appreciated the help of Julie (education assistant) in our class also.
Voyager Room Year 7
Dear Families
Our class has been writing our little hearts out in creative writing. Some of the students are extending their vocabulary and changing words to create a tone or mood. Below are just some of the examples that the students have written.
Prospect Room Years 8 & 9
At the end of Term 1, our class completed their individual projects. The task was simple: find an area that you are currently interested in, where there is an issue that needs a solution - explore the issues and solutions to present to your class. The class worked hard to find the will to continue their investigations. They then needed to pull all of their research together into a neat poster and model for easy digestion.
Currently, the Prospects are busy preparing for our class play of 'Romeo and Juliet'. We are testing our voices and body movements to create believable characters and we are designing our dream costumes and sets.
I am very proud of the whole class, who are working together to overcome script and stage changes and to fill in for people who are away. There are a few students who have gone above and beyond to make sure that the play is working as smoothly as possible. There are particularly two young ladies who have stepped into assistant roles and backup actors' roles every day. They know everyone else's lines better than their own. So thank you to you both - you know who you are.
I am very appreciative of your strength of will to help!
Penny Liddallcable
Physical Education
This term we are still doing some fun games and activities to support the student's fitness and skills with the ball. We are also looking at gymnastics, dance, and circus skills.
In gymnastics, we have been doing forward, backward rolls, handstands, and cartwheels. With our circus skills, we have been practising paired balances, using juggling balls and plate spinning.
Dance has seen us do the classic Nutbush! Building on this we have had a go at Greek circle dancing and line dancing.
If there is anyone out there willing to teach a dance to the school, you are more than welcome!
Below are a few moves we are trying out in Year One: Balances, handstands, and forward rolls
Woodwork, Textiles and Music
Woodwork and Textiles
The Voyager and Prospect classes have been split in half this term (not literally). Half the class have been doing textiles with Peta and half have been learning how to recycle wooden pallets.
In Textiles, the Voyagers have been sewing main lesson book covers and the Prospects are making reading book bags for the Sunflowers.
In Woodwork, the Middle School has been busy breaking down the pallets and removing the nails, as well as researching uses for the reclaimed wood.
In addition, the prospects have been creating props for their play….. Look out for a recycled pallet balcony to make an appearance in the Prospects play.
The Lighthouse class have been creating a nail board that will enable them to weave a geometric pattern. This task has involved the extreme skill of being able to hammer a nail in straight. Not an easy task.
This term in Music, the Voyagers and Prospects have been revisiting Ukulele. In choir, they are preparing a performance to knock your socks off. Stay tuned.
The primary school choir is also preparing a song for your listening pleasure and has continued in-class skill development.
Warmest regards,
For Sale
Secondhand violin for sale - $140.
Please see the admin if you are interested!